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Dog First Aider!

So last weekend I was able to attend and complete the first aid course I'd booked prior to the Covid 19 outbreak. The tables in the hall were spread out so that we were all a safe distance apart with hand sanitiser on each table. Apart from social distancing the course was delivered as normal with each of us getting a chance to practice chest compressions on 'Cassie' the dummy dog! The only thing we had to leave out was the rescue breaths, but this is pretty much the same as first ais for humans (which I'm also trained in) only the breaths are delivered via the nose rather than the mouth.

As well as practicing and learning about administering CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) for dogs and cats the course also covered:

- Heatstroke

- Burns

- Poisoning

- Choking

- Seizures

- Drowning

- Dealing with RTA's (Road Traffic Accidents)

- Wounds & Bandaging

Amongst other valuable information and techniques such as how to do a full body exam to check for any signs of illness or infection.

I hope never to have to use any of this stuff but feel confident in knowing how to react should anything like this ever happen while I am out on my walks, visiting other people's dogs and cats or indeed with my own three dogs.

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